Calcium Therapy for Gum Disease In Toronto
Calcium Therapy for Gum Disease

If left untreated, gum pocketing will increase, which can trigger a variety of other dental and oral health problems. As well, you may have increased risk for gum disease if you smoke, have diabetes, take certain medications, endure excessive stress or don’t eat properly.
Fortunately, at Fortinsky Dentistry, we can try and help stop the progression of gum disease and renew your oral health. If caught early, your gum disease can be controlled with proper treatment. We are proud to offer a holistic and innovative treatment called Calcium Therapy to aid in this process.
Calcium Therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical alternative that stimulates gum and bone healing. The materials used help reduce bleeding, soothe sore gums, tighten teeth, heal gum abscesses and controls bad breath.
Are you suffering from inflamed gums and dental pain? Visit our dental office and schedule your appointment with Fortinsky Dentistry today!
Other Services
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